1 - How to buy CGUN tokens?
You can buy CGUN tokens through presale on Pinksale or buy directly after Listed on Pancakeswap.
2 - Are tokens locked?
All tokens from the TEAM and DEVELOPMENT will be LOCKED for 3 months. in which LPs will be LOCKED for 6 months and MARKETING for 1 month, before the marketing phase 2.
3 - What will be the taxes of the token (buy and sell)?
In the early stages of the transaction tax will be applied 0% Buy and 5% Sell.
4 - Was there a private sale raise?
Crypto Gunner does not have a Private sale, we only sell them for the first time on Pinksale through Launchpad.
5 - How to play the game?
To play the Adventure Mode version you need to own at least 1 NFT Hero to start earning.
6 - Is it possible to earn CGUN tokens from the game?
After each match of the Game you will receive a certain number of CGUNs, depending on the rarity of the NFTs you use.
7 - How to get Crypto Gunner NFTs?
Players can own NFT Heroes through INO or Marketplace.
8 - What is the ROI on the investment in the game?
The ROI will depend on the rarity of the NFTs you use. The lowest is 18 CGUNs Days and the highest is 34 CGUNs / days. If you're lucky, you can get your capital back when you buy INO and unlock high rarity NFTs of great value. See more at this link: https://app.gitbook.com/o/YEsK39A9TVOoFkoCSkqz/s/sEFvZ9w4x1QpksQ8cA1r/~/changes/46/play-to-earn
9 - Does paying token rewards cause inflation?
Crypto Gunner has found a deflationary solution when using the main cash flow from the project's revenue to reward players, the traders will have to buy NFTs with CGUN tokens, and 100% of them will return to the reward pool.
10 - What blockchains will the project release on?
Crypto Gunner will release on the first BSC platform because it is good and optimal for consumers, when the project develops stably, there will be plans to expand to other platforms such as Polygon, Solana and ETH Layers.
Last updated